based in and around the surrounding areas of los angeles, california, the world is full of celebrity and the wannabes who are waiting to catch their big break. or perhaps they're just going about their daily lives and dealing with their lives as best they can in the hustle and bustle of the community. here we challenge you to create a character and have fun interacting with your fellow writers. we realize that not everyone is perfect, and expect characters to have flaws and may not be well liked at all times. however keep in mind that everything in the community must be in character, and we're more interested in character development than anything else, no matter what walk of life they're from or aiming to be.

we're hoping to foster a welcoming community full of writing, and that being said we do feel that there should be some sort of effort on your end to make sure that you're interested in creating a character and not just throwing things at the wall hoping something sticks. as such, we won't ask for examples, but you will be expected to have at least the minimum of a biography. renewed and revamped characters are welcome here. there is nothing personal behind a rejection if it happens and we will not be answering inquiries about why. to apply you will need:
✩ either an ic or ooc journal.
✩ a screened contact post & ic post of some sort. please backdate them both, and you're free to make them friends only once you are accepted into the community but please make sure the mod can view them prior to your application.
✩ a 200+ word character summary, facts, or biography with name, age, & occupation to give a general sense of your character. we understand that not everything may be totally fleshed out at the time of application, but you should at least have a general character idea & history before being welcomed. blank and/or to be added biographies will not be accepted.
✩ credits need to be +/- five years to the real-life counterpart and we will be using a one credit claim system [ie: britney spears credits will be using all of her work]. whitewashing is not allowed!

we understand that everyone is tired of traditional introductions, so with each set of adds the mod team will post a free for all and as long as new characters answer the majority of their comments within 72 hours that will count as their "introduction". please make sure you're commenting around on ffa and getting to know the newest neighbors. if you'd rather not participate in the ffa, we will also accept any sort of traditional intro, social media post, lyrics, etc within the same time frame of 72 hours to complete your introduction if you'd rather. if you're added after the 15th of the month, you only need to do the intro or some form of activity, if added between the 1st-15th you'll be required to both have an update and activity complete by the end of the month. we'll keep track of things on the taken list. make sure to submit your activity if it's not marked off! [mods are human too, we miss things.] update requirements
100-200+ form of writing such as a narrative, blog post, or scene will be requird once a month. comments do not have to be enabled on these posts, but there needs to be some sort of writing.
activity requirements
one social media post, lyrics, plot post or anything that is interactive and you've replied to the majority of comments within a week of the post being active.
all posts must be viewable on the friends page for it to count as activity and you are required to drop off update links & activity to the members post found HERE. make sure to include your pb and character name in the subject line when dropping things off. if you're removed for inactivity you will be required to have an update before you're re-added, and if you're removed due to inactivity more than twice you won't be re-added. so please make sure your activity is complete on the taken list before the end of the month!

all general rules are observed here: keep ic/ooc seperate, bullying and harrassment are big no-nos and grounds for removal. anything that could be considered a trigger warning please keep it marked as such. racism, transphobia, and homophobia is not something any of us should be here for as in character interaction and even if these topics are addressed/touched on in narrative form please make sure to use trigger warnings. feel free to come to the mods if something needs addressed. wire/app useage:
we realize that some people will interact how they wish, and we can't stop app useage entirely. however, we discourage posting and advertising it on the friends page, ooc, and in pbads and encourage customs and other forms of interaction. please be welcoming and active via posts!